
Kuberetes Secret vs. Vault

General Recommendations Use kubernetes Secret if Secrets does not change often and are used exclusively within kubernetes Use secrets for things which are actually secret like API keys, credentials, etc Use config map for not-secret configuration data Use Vault with K8S Authentication method if:  secrets need to be used outside of kubernetes containers Solution comparison chart K8S Secret Vault with K8S Vault with K8S Auth method Do we need to provision secret zero to our app/cluster in order to bootstrap trust? Yes, database encryption key and tls certs need to be provisioned to setup the K8S cluster via other means K8S Vault Controller need to be authenticated with Vault.  Authentication need to be setup between Vault and K8S. Is it cloud provider agnostic?  Yes, but limited to app running in containers managed by K8S Yes, but relies on Hashicorp Vault Relies on Hashicorp Vault Amount of effort to integrate in...

Google Cloud Storage & AWS S3

Google Cloud Storage & AWS S3  Here is a quick recap of the main functionalities of both products: AWS S3 pricing: S3 costs $0.023/GB; For replicating data across multiple regions costs $0.046/GB, plus a $0.01/GB transfer fee. AWS’ cool storage service, S3 Infrequent Access (IA) $0.0125/GB Cloud storage pricing: No doubt Google pricing is cheaper than AWS is many aspects. Single-region storage costs $0.02/GB Multi-region cost is $0.026/GB, with free transfer of data Cool storage platform Nearline costs $0.01/GB Cold/archival product Coldline costs $0.007/GB Monthly per-GB Prices for the First TB Stored Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Storage HOT $0.023 $0.0208 $0.026 COOL $0.0125/$0.01* $0.0152 $0.01 COLD $0.004 $0.002 $0.007 * Amazon S3 Standard I/A / Amazon S3 Standard Z-I/A Volume Discounts for HOT Storage Class Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Storage 2–50 TB/month $0.0230 $0.0208 $0.026 50–500 TB/month $...

Google Cloud SQL & AWS RDS

Google Cloud SQL & AWS RDS Here is a quick recap of the main functionalities of both products: Functionality AWS RDS Cloud SQL CPU & RAM  RDS supports three types of instance classes: Standard, Memory Optimized, and Burstable Performance.  Cloud SQL is divided into shared-core, standard and high memory machines.  Types of Storage General Purpose SSD, Provioned IOPS (SSD) and Magnetic Supports both SSD and HDD (magnetic) IOPS ratio (SSD) General Purpose (SSD) has the ability to burst to 3,000 IOPS for extended periods of time. Baseline performance for these volumes is determined by the volume's size. Baseline is 3 IOPS per GiB. SSD provides IOPS gurantee in a 30:1 ratio. The included 100-GB gurantees for 3000 IOPS. SSDs are preferred over HDD, as it provides lower latency and higher data throughput. Scaling options Allocated storage can be scaled or converted to another storage type (General SSD to PIOPS SSD). During the sca...

Google Cloud Functions & AWS Lambda

Google Cloud Functions & AWS Lambda First of all, I have to admit that comparing an alpha release with a two-year-old stable product is not completely fair. That said, I believe that some of the functionalities already offered by Google Cloud Functions will make a substantial positive difference, especially from a development point of view. Here is a quick recap of the main functionalities of both products: Functionality AWS Lambda Cloud Functions Scalability & availability Automatic scaling (transparent) Automatic scaling Max. # of functions Unlimited functions 1000 functions per project Concurrent executions 1000 parallel executions per account per region ( default safety throttle ) 400 parallel executions (per function, soft limit) Max. execution time 300 seconds (5 minutes) 540 seconds (9 minutes) Supported Languages  JavaScript, Java, C# and Python Node js, Go, Python Dependencies Deployment Packages npm package.json Deployments Only ZIP upload...