Google Cloud Functions & AWS Lambda

Google Cloud Functions & AWS Lambda

First of all, I have to admit that comparing an alpha release with a two-year-old stable product is not completely fair. That said, I believe that some of the functionalities already offered by Google Cloud Functions will make a substantial positive difference, especially from a development point of view.
Here is a quick recap of the main functionalities of both products:
FunctionalityAWS LambdaCloud Functions
Scalability & availabilityAutomatic scaling (transparent)Automatic scaling
Max. # of functionsUnlimited functions1000 functions per project
Concurrent executions1000 parallel executions per account per region (default safety throttle)400 parallel executions (per function, soft limit)
Max. execution time300 seconds (5 minutes)540 seconds (9 minutes)
Supported Languages JavaScript, Java, C# and PythonNode js, Go, Python
DependenciesDeployment Packagesnpm package.json
DeploymentsOnly ZIP upload (to Lambda or S3)ZIP upload, Cloud Storage, or Cloud Source Repositories
VersioningVersions and aliasesCloud Source branch/tag
Event-drivenEvent Sources (S3, SNS, SES, DynamoDB, Kinesis, CloudWatch)Cloud Pub/Sub or Cloud Storage Object Change Notifications
HTTP(S) invocationAPI GatewayHTTP trigger
Logging CloudWatch LogsStackdriver Logging
Monitoring CloudWatch and X-RayStackdriver Monitoring
In-browser code editorOnly if you don’t have dependenciesOnly with Cloud Source Repositories
Granular IAMIAM rolesIAM roles
Pricing1M requests for free, then $0.20/1M invocations, plus $0.00001667/GB-sec1M requests for free, then $0.40/1M invocations, plus $0.00000231/GB-sec


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