
Showing posts from February, 2019

Digital-ocean-auto volume backup

For Code Click Here ...! Digital ocean auto volume backup shell script.Currently, it will keep 2 newest snapshots. If you want to config this, change the value. What does this script do ? Since DigitalOcean currently didn't provide auto backup for the volume. So, i created the script to call DigitalOcean API and creating volume's snapshot. After successfully created, it will delete the old snapshot. Currently, it will keep 2 newest snapshots. If you want to config this, change the value. Digital ocean API documentation : Dependency ./jq library Download from : Linux : sudo apt-get install jq Script use : Config your parameter in Set cronjob to execute Parameter : DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN VOLUME_ID VOLUME_NAME SNAPSHOT_NAME DATE List Down all volumes without jq ...


Containers The massive boom of Docker and other companies providing containers over the past few years have given IT pros a new technology that assists in reliably running software in diverse computing environments. A common example of this includes a developer using a container to have a test environment on her laptop, then switching to a staging environment on a different computer. To do this, the container hosts the bundled runtime environment, including the application, libraries, and configuration files. This abstracts the differences in operating systems and infrastructures. So, put simply, containers allow you to run isolated systems on a single server or host OS, even when they are moved from one environment to another. They are on top of the physical server and its host operating system, and each container shares the host OS kernel. Containers and virtual machines both help save space, but containers take up a smaller amount of space on your server ...

What’s the Diff: VMs vs Containers

Both VMs and containers can help get the most out of available computer hardware and software resources. Containers are the new kids on the block, but VMs have been, and continue to be, tremendously popular in data centers of all sizes. If you’re looking for the best solution for running your own services in the cloud, you need to understand these virtualization technologies, how they compare to each other, and what are the best uses for each. Here’s our quick introduction. Basic Definitions — VMs and Containers What are VMs? A virtual machine (VM) is an emulation of a computer system. Put simply, it makes it possible to run what appear to be many separate computers on hardware that is actually one computer. The operating systems (“OS”) and their applications share hardware resources from a single host server, or from a pool of host servers. Each VM requires its own underlying OS, and the hardware is virtualized. A hypervisor, or a virtual machine monitor, is softwar...

Deleting namespace stuck at "Terminating" state

kubectl cluster-info                        Kubernetes master is running at https://localhost:6443                        KubeDNS is running at https://localhost:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-                                                 system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy       To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'. now run the kube-proxy kubectl proxy                        Starting to serve on                       save the ID to delete it later on :) find your name-space that decided no to be deleted :) for us it will be cattle-system ...

How to Set Up an Nginx Ingress with Cert-Manager on DigitalOcean Kubernetes

Introduction Kubernetes  Ingresses  allow you to flexibly route traffic from outside your Kubernetes cluster to Services inside of your cluster. This is accomplished using Ingress  Resources , which define rules for routing HTTP and HTTPS traffic to Kubernetes Services, and Ingress  Controllers , which implement the rules by load balancing traffic and routing it to the appropriate backend Services. Popular Ingress Controllers include  Nginx ,  Contour ,  HAProxy , and  Traefik . Ingresses provide a more efficient and flexible alternative to setting up multiple LoadBalancer services, each of which uses its own dedicated Load Balancer. In this guide, we'll set up the Kubernetes-maintained  Nginx Ingress Controller , and create some Ingress Resources to route traffic to several dummy backend services. Once we've set up the Ingress, we'll install  cert-manager  into our cluster to manage and provision TLS certificates for encrypti...